Jailbreak iPad 2 iPhone 4S on iOS 5

October 29th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iOS, iPad, iPhone

The biggest news has arrived Jailbreak your iOS 5 on iPad 2 or iPhone 4s. A video has just been posted by MusclNerd the well known iPhone hacker and the iPhone Dev-team’s spokesman showing iPad 2 jailbreak on iOS 5.


Jailbreak iPad 2 iOS 5 – Video below

MucleNerd confirmed on Twitter that iPad 2 and iPhone 4S Jailbreak on iOS 5 are the same. However, there is no definite timeline for the Jailbreak to come. Stay tuned for further updates on this.

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Apple got patent for slide to unlock feature

October 29th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under Android, iOS, iPhone

It was mid 2009 when Apple applied for the patent. The patent is, “a device with a touch-sensitive display may be unlocked via gestures performed on the touch-sensitive display. The device is unlocked if contact with the display corresponds to a predefined gesture for unlocking the device”.

Apple is aggressively fighting rival phone makers over what founder Steve Jobs saw as “stolen” features, especially in Google’s Android OS and Samsung Glaxy Tab and X2.

This is also reported that Microsoft and Google are planning to challenge this patent as they think this is too broad.

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Unlock iPhone4S – Gevey SIM – 1.0.11 Baseband

October 18th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iOS, iPhone, Unlock

Unlock iPhone 4s with Gevey SIM on iOS 5 is not possible. However, it is reported that Gevey SIM which will be able to unlock iPhone 4s may come the next month. It is highly expected that Gevey SIM will unlock iPhone 4 running iOS5 on baseband 4.11.08.

[Update]: Click here for updated status: See how to unlock iPhone 4s with Gevey Sim (Ultra S)


No iPhone hacker announced any updated release of unlocking software (including UltraSn0w). Follow us on twitter or subscribe to our feeds for any updates on the unlock.

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