Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1

November 15th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iOS, iPhone

How to Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 ? Yes, it is very much possible to jailbreak iOS 5.0.1, it can be jailbroken using redsnow 0.9.9b8 and the SemiTether tool can be used on iOS 5.0.1 to perform a semi-tethered jailbreak.

Below is the list of supported devices:

  • iPhone 4 (semi untethered)
  • iPhone 3GS new bootrom (semi untethered)
  • iPhone 3GS old bootrom (untethered)
  • iPod touch 4G (semi untethered)
  • iPod touch 3G (semi untethered)
  • iPad 1 (semi untethered)
iPad 2 and iPhone 4S jailbreaks are not yet available. It is strongly advised that better not to upgrade to 5.0.1 if you are looking for a better and faster jailbreak on iOS5.

Step by Step – Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1

STEP 1: Download iTunes 10.5 and iOS 5.0.1 final version.
STEP 2: Backup your iDevice and restore it using the iOS 5.0.1 IPSW file (downloaded from the first step).
STEP 3: Download Redsn0w 0.9.9b8 for Windows or Mac OS X .
STEP 4: Open Redsn0w and select “Extras” then “Select IPSW” and browse for the iOS 5.0.1  IPSW file.
STEP 5: Now click on “Jailbreak” then “Install Cydia”. Follow the on-screen instructions to get your iDevice into DFU mode.
STEP 6: Once finished, your device will be rebooted.
STEP 7: Now open Redsn0w again and hit “Extras” then “Just Boot”.
STEP 8: Click here to understand pros and cons of Semi Tethering your iDevice and Step by Step guide to install and run “SemiTether” tool.



Jailbreak iOS 5 Semi Tethered

November 15th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iPhone

Currently untethered jailbreak to iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, 3G is not available, Dev team and Chronic Dev team are working hard to come up with iOS5 untethered jailbreak. However, BigBoss announced about iOS5 semi untethered jailbreak. It is worth to describe what does Semi Tethered or Semi Untethered means.

What is Tethered JailBreak?

This type of JailBreak require a computer connection to boot a jailbroken iDevice. i.e. every time your iDevice reboots or the battery dies, you have to connect (tether) your iOS device back to your computer and boot it through the jailbreak application

What is Untethered Jailbreak ?

This is the preferred and widely used Jailbreak. No computer connection is required to boot your device, even if your battery dies. You just need to recharge your iDevice and your device boots up.

What is Semi Tethered jailbreak?

Semi Tethered jailbreak is a way to boot your device in emergency or your device reboots while you were away from your computer. Note that, most of the jailbreak apps and tweaks will not work if booted semi tethered, but you’ll be able to use most important features of your iDevice until you connect to a computer and reboot with RedSn0w.

Semi-tethered jailbreak iOS 5 Supported Devices :

  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 3GS New Bootrom
  • iPad 1
  • iPod Touch 4G
  • iPod Touch 3G

Semi-tethered jailbreak iOS 5 Un-Supported Devices:

  • iPad 2
  • iPhone 4S

Working Functions in Semi- Tethered Jailbreak

  • Phone, SMS
  • Atomic web browser
  • Stock app on iPhone.

Not Working functions in Tethered Jailbreak

  • Mobile Safari
  • Mail App
  • Any jailbreak tweak, app, cydia until you boot tethered.
  • Do not add a jailbreak iOS5 notification while your iDevice is in semitether booted state or your device will be stuck in a respring loop until you boot tethered.

Step by Step guide to install SemiTether tool

Step 1:You must install iOS 5 on you device and tethered jailbreak it

Step 2: Now, open Cydia > Manage > Sources.
Step 3: Tap on Edit > Add and insert the below mentioned repository


Step 4: Search for SemiTether and install it then reboot your device.
Step 5: Now, if needed, you should be able to boot your iDevice in emergency or without a computer connection.


iPhone 4s battery drain problem

October 29th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iOS, iPhone, iPhone4s

It is being reported that iPhone 4s users are complaining about the battery life. Apple engineers are now contacting iPhone 4s owners to solve the puzzle.

One of the user was approached by Apple shared his comments and most interestingly claimed that his battery drains 10% every hour!!.

Hopefully Apple engineers are working on the issue and soon release a new iOS version to address the issue.

Are you facing the similar issue, please share as a comment below.

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