SIRI controls your TV through proxy

November 28th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iPhone, SIRI

SIRI again!!! Another video has just hit the internet. The video shows how you can control your TV using SIRI.


This trick has used SIRI with a proxy server to control TV. This guy is controlling videos on Plex through SIRI proxy. Actually, iPhone4S is converted into a button less remote. All is that, you instruct your virtual robot and SIRI will do it for you.

Siri Vs Microsoft Tell Me (Windows Phone)

November 27th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iPhone, SIRI, WP7

Microsoft claimed that they already have a SIRI like voice control feature in Windows Phone OS since the launch of Windows Phone and it is Apple who’s used this feature of WP for marketing their iPhone 4S. However, it is apparent that Tell Me feature of WP is NOT your phone assistant but a voice based search. SIRI can schedule your meetings, send emails, send text messages etc.

Siri Vs Tell Me: Have a look


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iPhone 4S in India – Airtel and Aircel launches iPhone4s in India

November 21st, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iPad3, iPhone, iPhone4s

Airtel and Aircel confirmed the release of iPhone4S in India. The release date is November the 25th and expected price is around INR 44500 for 16 GB, whereas 32 GB iPhone 4S will be available at a price of INR 50,000. 64 GB model is not listed on Airtel but it is reported that all Aircel already sold out 64 GB models.


It is also reported that there is no price difference in Airtel and Aircel and they are launching both the colors of iPhone4S i.e. Black and White. The last date to pre-order on both the providers is November the 24th (mentioned on Airtel and Aircel website).