iPhone: Save iOS 4.3.4, iOS 4.3.5 SHSH blobs with iFaith 1.2.1

July 29th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iPhone

iH8sn0w released iFaith version 1.2.1 today. You can now dump 4.3.4 and iOS 4.3.5 SHSH blobs. The other supported devices are:

  • iPhone 3G[S]
  • iPhone 4
  • iPod Touch 2G
  • iPod Touch 3G
  • iPod Touch 4
  • iPad 1G
  • Apple TV 2

– iFaith v1.2.1 Release Notes:

– Added iPod Touch 2G Dumping capability (MC-Model users recommened)
– IPSW Creation for iPod Touch 2G is still a work in progress.
– Fixed exe compression issues (resulting in many DFU loops on IPSW creation).
– Fixed any Windows XP issues.
– Source code coming soon to a github near you! 🙂
– It is currently not possible to add iPad 2 support.

Now available at: http://iH8sn0w.com



iPhone: Copy SIM contacts to iPhone

July 28th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under iPhone

Copying from SIM to iPhone

  1. Go to Settings -> Mail, Contact, Calendars
  2. Scroll down to bottom
  3. Select “Import SIM Contact”


It takes a while to import, so be patient.

There is no need to download any application for this. However, if you want to transfer your contacts to another SIM follow these steps.

Transfer Contacts from iPhone to another SIM.

  1. Sync your iPhone with iTunes.

You must ensure that the contacts sync is enabled in iTunes. Select your phone in iTunes left pane and click info and verify that Sync Contact with is checked and Outlook is selected in the dropdown.

  1. All the contacts are now available in your outlook address book and you can sync these contacts to any other phone or SIM.



MANGO – Microsoft handed over the SOURCE CODE to handset manufacturers

July 28th, 2011 by shaikhzaid under WP7

Microsoft on Tuesday made the source code available to handset maker of it’s mobile OS, code named – MANGO.  Microsoft desperately seeks the mobile market share from Google’s Android and Apple’s iPhone.

MANGO reportedly features IE-9 and other over 500 features and new gaming tweaks. World’s first MANGO phone will feature 13.2 megapixel camera with AUTOFOCUS, 32 gigabyte of flash storage and expected to be launched in September. It will be the first windows phone in Japan.

Microsoft also started on a plan to update all windows 7 phones but it will take few more months for manufacturers to roll out the new Mango compatible models.

Till then Fujitsu can enjoy….if the Mango turns out to be a real Mango. BTW there are people who don’t like Mangoes…